Projects run and ongoing for 2005-2022-selected (AlbaForest)

  1. Towards Zero Energy Hospitals (ZenH-Balkan, EU/IPA/Interreg Balkan-Mediterranean Program, with the project aims towards improving the energy efficiency of the building sector and specifically towards energy efficient hospital buildings and in addition, to facilitate the implementation of the EPBD by defining the characteristics and Standards for Zero Energy Hospitals. (Greece, Albania, Bulgaria, Macedonia, and Cyprus), 2017-2022);
  2. Watershed management with focus on forestry for the Drini Cascade, supported by GIZ, under the study: “Potential of multi-purpose use of the hydro-power reservoirs of the Drini Cascade”, supported by GIZ, 2015;
  3. Albania’s Forest’s Revaluation for the period 1990-2014 (a case study of country’s forest resources revaluation and assessment and their up to date state), sponsored by REC (Regional Environmental Centre), 2015;
  4. Integrated Drini river Basin Management, natural resources and human resources management, community-based capacity building (ecological survey, planting trees and installing check-dams and erecting fences alongside the river and torrents based on selected micro-catchements), supported & financed by CEPF (Critical Ecosystems Partnership Fund, USA, 2014-2015;
  5. Strengthening the Management of Natural Resources and Eco-Tourism Values  and digital mapping of cadastra for a sustainable tourism development, Shëngjini Municipality, Lezha Sub-region, supported by Regional Development Programme–Northern Albania(RDP), 2014;
  6. The role of forests in preventing floods and stabilization of Drin basin, assessment of the situation in the area of ​​sub-Shkodra, supported by REC, 2010-2011;
  7. Evaluation of the potential of natural resources and their interlinks with the rural economy (Forests, pastures and medicinal plants revaluation and assessment), Shkodra, Dibra and Vlora sub-regions, supported by Oxfam, 2010.
  8. Environment’s improvement and capacity building of schools with environmental education and training of Bathore and Kamëza’s Schools, Kamëza Municipality, Supported by Japanese Embassy to Albania, Rome, and World Vision Albania (WVA), 2009-2010;
  9. Environmental Training of School Students and Teachers through topical environmental training on environment and nature, and improvement of schools of Tirana´s selected high schools in the USAID/BG -Botanical Garden Information-Centre, financed from US-Embassy,2006-2007;
  10. Demonstration-models for reducing soil erosion and enhancing biodiversity in “Bovilla”´s Watershed, through combined measures: reforestation, check-dams installation, seeding and erecting fences, Tirana district, co-financed by REC and GEF/SGP, 2005-2007;
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ALBAFOREST CENTRE, established in 24.09. 2004, as an environmental NGO in Albania, promotes sustainable natural resources management and conducts studies, education and consultations on natural resources management, ecology and sustainable development, and applied projects concerning the land conservation, forest and natural resources management, mountain and watershed’s management, renewable energy and environmental education issues.

ALBAFOREST has worked intensively in the field of natural resources management and rural economy livelihoods improvement issues in Albania. It has already acquired a rich experience in implementing projects related to the field of natural resources management, watersheds management, eco-tourism, urban environmental improvement and green areas rehabilitation, renewable energy and environmental education.


The organization main activity is focused on:

Reforestation, Watershed Management, Natural Resources Management, Protected

Areas Management, Rural Development, Check-Dam Installation, Erosion Control,

Renewable Energy, Urban Greenness Installation, Environmental Education;

The Centre has joined national and international organizations and its membership is as following:

  1. Member of Pro Silva Europa  (;
  2. Member of Global water Partnership, Stockholm, Sweden (;
  3. Member of IUCN (, Gland, Switzerland;
  4. Member of the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF, ), USA;
  5. Member of the Eco-Movement, an Umbrella Albanian Environmental NGOs (;
  6. Member of the Mediterranean Information Office for Environment, Culture and Sustainable Development (MIO-ECSDE,;

The organization main activity is focused on:

Natural resources management, forestry, reforestation, watershed management, protected areas management, rural development, erosion control, climate change, renewable energy, urban greenness installation, environmental education, etc.